About Us
We believe that each child, youth and parent/guardian possesses the strengths and resources to be successful. “
About Open Doors for Lanark Children & Youth
Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth is an accredited child and youth mental health center delivering services throughout Lanark County. Our staff members are highly trained professionals in the fields of family therapy, child and youth counselling and early childhood education.
Professionalism is assured as each staff is highly trained in their respective scope (Social Work, Psychotherapy, Child and Youth Counselling, and Early Childhood Education) and we are dedicated to continuous learning and evolving. Each therapist is a member of a regulatory college including Ontario College of Social Work and Social Services, and the Ontario College of Psychotherapists. Each staff member is dedicated to improving the mental health and wellbeing of children, youth and families. When necessary, we arrange for consultation with other mental health professionals in other organizations to secure the most appropriate services to assist children and youth to be healthy. We believe that each child, youth and parent/guardian possess the strengths and resources to be successful.
Our commitment is to treat each person who accesses our services with dignity and respect. We commit to developing positive working relationships that respect each person’s race, culture, religion and sexual orientation. Finally, Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth commits to working with each child, youth and family to gain understanding of each person’s unique circumstances and social relationships so that we can tailor a plan that is uniquely fitted for each young person.
Our services are confidential and without fee to clients, as we are funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Accessing our services is easy. Look for Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth staff in schools across the county or at our office locations in Carleton Place, Smiths Falls and Perth.
Meet our Board of Directors.
To be a member of the Board of Directors, you must live or work in Lanark County, be over the age of 18 and be passionate about child and youth mental health. The Board meets the last Wednesday of every month (except July) and in addition, each Board member is expected to be a member of at least one committee for an additional meeting per month. Please send your resume and letter of interest to [email protected]
Andrea Egilo
Samantha Peek
Renee Harden
Board Member
Kerlous Tawdrous
Board Member
Meet our Counsellors.
Get Appointment!
Anyone can make a referral for a child or youth under the age of 18 – self, parents or guardians, family doctors, schools or other service providers – who feel, in discussion with the youth or family, that the child, youth or family would benefit from our services.