Some Questions You Might Have….

Our team is here to help! Can’t find what you are looking for? Follow us on social media or contact us by email or phone with any questions you may have.

What if I need more specialized help?

We work closely with the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, Sick Kids – The Hospital for Sick Children and Hotel Dieu in Kingston. These three hospitals have a range of psychiatric services that may be accessed. We are able to link and assist with the provision of assessments, consultation and sometimes, hospitalization.

How do we protect the Privacy of your information?

Protecting the Privacy of Your Information

To provide the best care possible, we need to collect and use information about you and your family. Children’s Mental Health Leeds & Grenville is committed to keeping your information safe and confidential. We follow rules set out in our accreditation standards and the law, about collecting, using, and disclosing your information. We have a variety of safeguards in place to make sure your information stays private including locked cabinets, security policies and electronic passwords. Only personnel who need to see your personal information are allowed access.

How Children’s Mental Health Uses Information About You and Your Family

  • To plan treatment within the context of a multidisciplinary team
  • To ensure quality service (including accreditation)
  • To evaluate our programs
  • To compile statistics for research purposes (without exposing identifying information)

While we take every precaution to ensure your confidentiality, we are required to release your information without your consent in the following circumstances:

  • We believe a child (including your own) under the age of 18 has been harmed or is at risk of being harmed
  • We believe that you intend to harm yourself or someone else
  • Our workers and/or your files are subpoenaed by the court
  • We participate in a confidential accreditation process
  • You disclose information about any sexual involvement, past or present, with a person in a position of authority or a regulated professional.

What You Should Know


The Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, requires us to obtain your expressed consent (written/signed) to disclose your health information to any outside agency.   By accepting services at Children’s Mental Health you need to know that your information will be shared with those individuals who are directly involved with your care.

How long do we keep records?

Children’s Mental Health maintains client’s records electronically. Any hard copies of information collected during treatment are confidentially destroyed upon completion of service. Your electronic personal information is kept in our client database for 10 years after a client’s 18th birthday, when it is confidentially deleted.

You have the right to:

  • Withdraw your consent
  • Request access to your personal health information
  • Request a correction to your personal health information

To access your personal health information contact:

Privacy Officer

Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth

10-130 Lansdowne Ave. Carleton Place, On K7C 2T7

or admin#@opendoors.on.ca

Or, you can contact :

Information and Privacy

Commissioner of Ontario

2 Bloor St. East, Suite 1400, Toronto, On M4W 1A8


Are these services confidential?

The short answer is YES! HOWEVER, There are times when staff will not be able to maintain confidentiality: If you tell anyone about a child being abused in any way, we must, by law, report that information to the Family and Children’s Services of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville. Also, if you tell us you intend to harm yourself or someone else, we will tell someone in order to help you be safe. And sometimes, our workers are subpoenaed to court, although this rarely happens. Children 12 years of age and older do have a right to confidential counselling. We usually advise them to involve their parents but legally, they can get counselling without parental permission.

French disclaimer

Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth vous fournit ces informations en français. Cependant, les services mêmes ne sont actuellement disponibles qu’en anglais

Contact us!

Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth is dedicated to providing service across all of Lanark County. We currently have three community offices, Carleton Place, Perth and Smiths Falls. We are also in Partnership with the Almonte General Hospital for one day a week on-site

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