Visit Experience
Visit Experience
Open Doors enables children and youth with mental health needs to live, learn and thrive. Open Doors believes in treating all people with respect and dignity regardless of race, religion, culture or sexual orientation. Open Doors believes in treating all people with respect and dignity regardless of race, religion, culture or sexual orientation.
What is expected of you as a client of Open Doors?
What we ask is that you come to appointments as scheduled, or that you contact us if you are unable to attend. If you miss an appointment, we hope you will call to reschedule. We will call to follow-up your first missed appointment but if you miss another and do not call within two weeks, we will assume that you no longer need our services and we will close your file.
What can you do in the case of an Emergency?
Open Doors does not have an after-hours service. If you experience an emergency, call 911 or proceed to your nearest hospital. You can also call 1call1click or the Kids Help Phone. Let us know the next working day so that we can follow-up and ensure our response is coordinated with any emergency service you access.
What if your situation changes while you are waiting for service?
Call and let us know.
Get Appointment!
Anyone can make a referral for a child or youth under the age of 18 – self, parents or guardians, family doctors, schools or other service providers – who feel, in discussion with the youth or family, that the child, youth or family would benefit from our services.