Intensive Youth Services

Intensive Youth Services

The Youth Intensive Service counsellor works with youth, and their families, who are experiencing complex challenges at home, school, the community. Service delivery options are created in collaboration with significant people in the youth’s life. The delivery of service is intentionally flexible and responsive to engage youth to be most effective to for achievement of identified goals.


  • works with youth and their families
  • help with challenges in school, at home, or community
  • flexible and responsive
  • help identify goals

Client Referral Forms

Anyone can make a referral for a child or youth under the age of 18 – self, parents or guardians, family doctors, schools or other service providers – who feel, in discussion with the youth or family, that the child, youth or family would benefit from our services. A doctor’s referral is not required.

 A parent or caregiver referring a child

A child or youth making a self-referral

A referral from physicians, schools or other 3rd party referrals

For Emergencies Please Call 911

For Emergencies Please Call 911. To get help after hours please call the Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868

Anyone can make a referral for a child or youth under the age of 18 – self, parents or guardians, family doctors, schools or other service providers – who feel, in discussion with the youth or family, that the child, youth or family would benefit from our services. A doctor’s referral is not required.​

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