Extended Counselling Services

Extended Counselling Services

If the goals identified in Brief Services have not been achieved, additional sessions are available through Extended Counselling/Therapy Services. These services are offered in person, as well as virtually. Prior to beginning the counselling, consents and risks and benefits of service are discussed. Services that are to be delivered are determined in consultation between client(s) and the clinician resulting in the creating of a treatment plan. Goals are identified and progress toward these are evaluated in each session using FIT (Feedback Informed Treatment). Service Reviews are conducted as part of the evaluation of the counselling to ensure identified needs are being addressed. When service is concluded, a Summary Plan is created with the client which outlines progress made and recommendations for future service needs to be addressed..


  • Provided through a trauma Informed perspective
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion are taken into account.
  • Gender identification is respected.
  • Services are offered to individual children, youth or families.

Client Referral Forms

Anyone can make a referral for a child or youth under the age of 18 – self, parents or guardians, family doctors, schools or other service providers – who feel, in discussion with the youth or family, that the child, youth or family would benefit from our services. A doctor’s referral is not required.

 A parent or caregiver referring a child

A child or youth making a self-referral

A referral from physicians, schools or other 3rd party referrals

For Emergencies Please Call 911

For Emergencies Please Call 911. To get help after hours please call the Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868

Anyone can make a referral for a child or youth under the age of 18 – self, parents or guardians, family doctors, schools or other service providers – who feel, in discussion with the youth or family, that the child, youth or family would benefit from our services. A doctor’s referral is not required.​

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