Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth (ODLCY) is an accredited child and youth mental health center delivering services throughout Lanark County. Our staff members are highly trained professionals in the fields of family therapy, child and youth counselling and early childhood education. We believe that each child, youth and parent/guardian possess the strengths and resources to be successful. We are committed to gaining an understanding of each person’s unique circumstances and social relationships so that we can tailor a plan that is uniquely fitted for each young person.
Our services are confidential and without fee to clients, as we are funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth staff work in schools across the county or at our office locations in Carleton Place, Smiths Falls and Perth.
As a volunteer board member with ODLYC, you provide valuable input on the strategic direction, governance, operations and short and long-term goals of the organization. By donating your time and expertise you are contributing to meeting the mental health needs of children, youth, and families in Lanark county and supporting robust, healthy communities. Board members are asked to:
Attend one two-hour board meeting per month (July and August excluded)
Join one committee (i.e governance, internal, external) and attend one committee meeting per month
Review documents and information prior to each meeting and provide input as needed
Leverage their skills, knowledge, lived experience, and expertise to inform decision making
Ensure that the best interests of the organization are always carefully considered
Experienced board members/applicants – put your knowledge, expertise, and career experience to work to benefit your local community. Help ensure clarity, accountability, and the long-term health of our organization.
First-time board members – gain new skills, abilities, and insight into organizational leadership and bring your fresh/unique perspective to the table. Help ensure clarity, accountability, and the long-term health of our organization.
All applicants:
Build your professional network by connecting with like minded individuals who share your passion for children, youth, and mental health
Learn more about the organization and mental health services in Ontario
Learn more about mental health and children/youth services in your local community, including gaps, opportunities, partner organizations and emerging service areas.
Receive free training in areas identified as a priority for the board.
ODLCY currently has four seats available. Two are reserved for youth aged 18-30. The remaining two are open to all applicants. We understand that a wide range of experience and perspectives leads to the most impactful outcomes and encourage ALL interested parties to apply.
In the event that more applications are received than positions available, priority MAY be given to individuals who:
Have expertise and experience in law, finance, health care, elementary or secondary education
Have lived experience with mental health either personally or as a parent of a child/youth who has accessed ODLCY services
Have work or volunteer experience in governance, strategic planning, marketing or social media
To apply, please fill out and return the application form found here: – ODLCY Board Member Application